What Keeps You Up At Night?

B&L Pipeco Services is always striving to expand our services to help better serve our customers. We began asking the question to executives and managers across the industry “What keeps you up at night?”, what are those work-stressors that keep your mind in a panic (besides your spouse or kids). While there were many answers there was one that was the most consistent: field inventory management. With high activity and striving to keep production rates up, operators found little time to manage all aspects of field inventory. Traceability of field inventory was lost; maintenance of the stock was neglected, and items became obsolete or unusable. Often this resulted in buying new instead of utilizing items stored in many inventory locations.  If joint venture audits took exception to tangible charges it was difficult and mostly impossible to easily resolve the queries.

We began to do some research, speak to a few experts, and even contracted specialists. We tossed around ideas trying to come up with a service that would tie all our customers’ needs together. This is when the project CIMS was born, Customer Inventory Management Solutions.

BLPS built a service that is completely customizable and tailored to match each customer’s specific and unique needs. Our goal is to handle the day-to-day tactical work so you can focus on your core business: drilling wells. We assembled a team of experienced professionals who excel in the areas of yard and materials management, supply chain management and procurement, finance and accounting, audit and assurance, COPAS guidelines and insight, logistics management, market and pricing analytics, valuation, and best-in-class advisory services. All these functions are within our wheelhouse that we successfully handle every single day.

CIMS includes, but is not limited to the following:

Inventory Management

  • Physical counts & reconciliations
  • Ensure utilization of customer stock
  • Manage repairs, inspections, and maintenance of goods
  • Inventory tracking & material transfers
  • Logistics management

Well Support & Audit Assurance

  • Daily monitoring of OCTG rig/well activity
  • Detailed well reconciliations
  • Ensure accurate AFE/Well charges
  • JV Audit Exception Support and Responses
  • COPAS guidelines assistance and compliance

Standardized Metrics & Reporting

  • Inventory stock on-hand reports
  • Transaction history
  • Reconciliation reports
  • Performance metrics

Valuation & Advisory Services

  • Implement best-in-class procedures
  • Assess the condition & value of inventory
  • Identify cost reduction and opportunities

Increases/ decreases in the rig count, the “bullwhip effect”, forecasting issues, seasonality, unforeseen changes to the drilling schedule, human error, budget limitations, project cancellations, operational issues that now require something different… there are a million valid reasons for how and why inventory can quickly get out of hand. Our CIMS team can help improve your company’s operational efficiencies and inventory management issues by implementing best practices, lean principles, and the willingness to roll up our sleeves and do the manual daily work that takes up most of your time.

This service seems complex and quite frankly it is. But here at B&L Pipeco, we deal with complexity on the daily, so we are used to handling service of this difficulty! We decided to begin with a case study. In early 2018, B&L Pipeco Services and WPX Energy began a discussion about how we could provide greater support to their Supply Chain operations. After an assessment and review of their current operations, WPX allowed BLPS to conduct a six-month case study on how our new CIMS team could help provide support to their Permian Operations. The project went better than expected.

“It’s great to have professionals manage this… Mistakes are caught early…. Open communication and flexibility have been instrumental to success… The cost is very worthwhile for a service that is difficult to find in-house or outside.” – WPX Energy

While our core business is OCTG – CIMS is not built for just pipe. From surface equipment to pumping units, our supply chain and accounting professionals can help. Our goal is to work hard and provide solid results so your company can focus on what matters most. This service can be utilized for any tangible asset.

B&L Pipeco Services provides:

  • Unmatched industry experience
  • Ability to identify and fix problems
  • Implementation of best practices
  • Ability to communicate to all levels
  • Improved operational efficiencies
  • Intangible future-benefits

This is what we do best. We can professionally control your inventory and perform the required mechanical tasks so you can have the freedom to fix your attention elsewhere.

Contact your Sales Representative or the CIMS Team direct for more information.

281-955-3500 – Request John Tomaselli or JP Brown // CIMS@ltq.hzh.mybluehost.me